MediaMonkey is a music manager and media jukebox for serious music collectors and iPod users. It catalogs your CDs, OGG, WMA, MPC, FLAC, APE, WAV and MP3 audio files. It looks up missing Album Art and track information via Freedb and the web, and includes an intelligent tag editor and an automated file and directory renamer to organize your music library. It includes a CD ripper, CD/DVD Burner, and audio converter for saving music, and manual or automated playlist editors for creating music mixes.
Its player automatically adjusts volume levels so that you don't have continually fiddle with the volume control and supports hundreds of Winamp
plug-ins and visualizations; or if you prefer, it can use Winamp as the default player.It also includes portable audio device synchronization that allows you to synch tracks and play lists with devices such as the iPod and other portable audio devices.
Standard FEATURES:
- Organize music and edit tags in your audio library with a powerful, intuitive interface
- Automatically lookup and tag Album Art and other metadata
- Manage 50,000+ files in your music collection without bogging down
- Play MP3s and other audio formats, and never again worry about varying volume
- Record CDs into OGG, MP3, FLAC and WMA files
- Convert MP3s, OGG, FLAC and WMA files into other formats with the Audio Converter
- Create playlists and music mixes quickly and easily to suit any occasion
- Synchronize with iPods / MP3 players effortlessly and convert tracks on-the-fly
Plus much more...
source :
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